

実践ビジネス英語 ディクテーション (4/27,28ほか)

こんにちは。NHKラジオ「実践ビジネス英語」”Talk the Talk”のディクテーションです。

Lesson 2のテーマは、‘Workplace Trends’(職場の動向)でした。Vignetteでは、福利厚生や職場での服装、gig economy、従業員の多様化などが話題になりました。

Talk the Talk”ではHeatherさんが育児休暇や職場での服装、オフィスの様子などについて話されています。


Workplace Trends

(S: 杉田敏先生 H: Heather Howardさん)


S: Our current vignette discusses the latest trends in American workplaces.

One such trend is said to be expanding maternity benefits.


H: That’s wonderful.

I hope paternity leave will expand too, because getting to spend time with our children when they’re very small is such a wonderful and valuable experience.

As I’ve mentioned before, I went back to work very soon after my daughter was born and my husband was her main daily caregiver for about two and a half years, until she started going to daycare.

It was so moving and inspiring for him to see her develop day by day―she even ended up in a couple of his paintings.

Taking care of her was very hard work, but very rewarding too, and my husband has always been grateful that he got to experience something that most men don’t.

Of course he has the advantage of being a self-employed artist, so we didn’t have to get anyone’s authorization for him to be at home with her.

I hope many other men can also have the freedom to make that choice in the future.

It will not only help them bond with their children, I think it could help them get along even better with their wives and other women as well.

They’ll have better understanding of what’s involved in child-rearing and how parents need as much help from society as they can get.


S: The vignette goes on to talk about how workplace attire is becoming increasingly informal.


H: How times have changed.

You watch old TV shows and movies, and see a time when men wouldn’t venture out of doors without a hat, and ladies always had on a pair of gloves.

And to be in the office without a necktie or a string of pearls? Never!

As long as everyone is dedicated to doing their job, I don’t see any problem with people dressing pretty much however they like within the office.

I wear sweaters and jeans all the time mostly because I walk my daughter to school in the morning and I need something comfortable that I can toss on without thinking about it much.

It also saves money, which I’d rather spend on her than myself these days.


S: Grace says biophilic design is likely to take off in the near future.

This is how a given living or working environment incorporates natural elements.


H: Great. We can be so cut off from nature in our urban settings, and even just a little touch of it in the office is wonderfully relaxing.

Some of the people in my office have taken steps in that regard.

A number of people have small humidifiers at their desks, which has helped them breathe easier and their skin to feel less dry.

Some of us have also brought in little plants to decorate our group desks.

They almost feel like little mascots for us.


S: The conversation concludes with the mention of recent employee benefits like sleeping pods in the office.

What kind of things would you recommend, Heather?


H: I personally swear by a good neck and hand rub for rejuvenating oneself.

Sometimes I’ve even felt like I can see a little better after getting a massage during my lunch break.

So I would urge companies to have an in-house massage service; we have that, at my company and it’s very popular.

Or to provide discount coupons at a place nearby.

Free snacks and vending machines would be great, too; I’ve seen companies with those.

But please let them be healthy snacks.

Every day I have to pass the cookies and crackers table in my office and sometimes the temptation is hard to resist.


ディクテーションをされた方、お疲れさまでした! お読みくださり、ありがとうございます♪